About The Work of Body Brain Freedom
How we sit, stand, move, feel about ourselves, or respond to the world is the result of patterns wired into our nervous systems in early childhood. Over time, these patterns become outdated and often cause discomfort, chronic pain, or lack of flexibility in all aspects of our life. People tend to accept these unconscious habits as “normal” or “aging”. Don’t be one to just settle for these myths.
Scientists call your brain’s ability to re-learn new connections and replace old limiting habits that keep you stuck “neuroplasticity”. Body Brain Freedom methods use this natural system to “rebooting the operating system (your brain) of sluggish bodies” so you do what you want more efficiently and without undesired shutdowns or problems.
Some of the Benefits Are:
Relief from muscular-skeletal pain in your back, neck, head, shoulders, hips, knees, feet, hands, pelvis, and jaw.
Improved flexibility, mobility, and coordination.
Easier, more comfortable daily activities like walking, standing, sitting, turning, bending, getting up out of a chair or off the floor, and climbing stairs.
Quick recovery from injury and surgery.
Better balance.
Improved mood and energy levels.
Reduced inflammation and improved circulation.
Improved breathing.
Improved ability to relax and sleep.
Reduced muscular tension, stress, and anxiety.
Greater ease and pleasure in daily physical activities.
Cortical Field Re-Education (CFR)
– Esalen Institute President, Gordon Wheeler
BodyBrainFreedom combines Integrated Awareness®, Cortical Field Re-Education®, The Feldenkrais Method ® and Strategic Intervention for results that are typically immediate and profound. With a unique blend of neuroscience, biomechanics, psychology, strategic life coaching, and other neuro-somatic approaches, the sessions teach you how to change neural pathways through movement to improve and optimize your body’s own internal healing process. You’ll learn how you can create more comfort, mobility, balance, and vitality in your life using the innate intelligence of your brain.
Body Brain Freedom® frees up physical, mental, and emotional resistance in your body to allow chronic pain, muscular tension, habitual stress, and limiting beliefs to release.
The methods used are safe, gentle and appropriate for all ages and abilities.